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A trial was held of individuals accused of embezzling money raised for children with thalassemia

A trial took place in the criminal case of Nurida Seidova, owner of the companies “Urmedhelp” and “My Doc Tour”, Aynur Bayramova, Aysel Mamedova, accused of embezzling funds collected for children suffering from thalassemia. As APA reports, Nurida Seyidova testified at a meeting chaired by Judge Azad Majidov at the Baku Court of Serious Crimes. She talked about the company they founded and how they received money from patients.

Judge Azad Majidov said that although 36 people had filed complaints, there were hundreds of victims. The next meeting is scheduled for July 10.

In February last year, the internal affairs bodies received information about fraud against the parents of thalassemia patients. Based on the information, a criminal case was initiated. It was established that Nurida Seidova, Aysel Mammadova and Aynur Bayramova, having abused the trust of the parents of 36 thalassemia patients, committed fraud in the amount of 980 thousand manats under the guise of treating the children of these persons in Turkey. First, Nurida Seyidova was arrested. Later, during the trials against Aynur Bayramova and Aysel Mammadova, a preventive measure of arrest was chosen. The defendants were charged under Article 178.3.2 (fraud, causing harm on a large scale) of the Criminal Code.

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