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In the first half of 2024, the State Tax Service of Azerbaijan opened 432 criminal cases

In the first half of 2024, the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy opened 432 criminal cases, APA-Economics reports with reference to the Service; during the reporting period, 17.5 million manats were reimbursed to the state budget.

During the reporting period, 42 criminal cases were discontinued, charges were brought against 33 people and 27 criminal cases were sent to the courts, the preliminary investigation of 69 criminal cases was completed, and a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against 6 people.

In 22 cases, the investigation of which has been completed, appropriate decisions have been made under Art. 40.4 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and during the preliminary investigation, damages in the amount of 2.6 million manats were compensated to the state budget. In addition, in the investigated criminal cases, damages in the amount of 13.3 million manat were provided.

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