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Prosecutor General: this year, compensation for damage to property amounting to more than 49.3 million manats provided

In the first half of 2024, compensation for damage to property in the amount of more than 49.3 million manats was provided in criminal cases investigated by the prosecutor’s office, Report informs, Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev said this at an expanded meeting of the board of the Prosecutor General’s Office. He noted that according to the criminal cases completed by the preliminary investigation in the prosecutor’s office, in which material damage totaling more than 75.9 million manats was caused to the state, citizens, companies, municipalities, investigative measures achieved compensation for part of the damage in the amount of more than 49.3 million manats Property worth more than 8.3 million manats was seized.

In addition, this year 25 people were caught red-handed for corruption. The Prosecutor General noted that in the first half of 2024, the operational units of the Main Anti-Corruption Directorate under the Prosecutor General opened 93 criminal cases and detained 4 wanted persons.

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