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A man who committed theft worth more than 100 thousand manats detained

A resident of the city of Ganja, Sadagat Jalali, complained to law enforcement agencies about theft from her home. In her appeal, the woman claimed that the neighbors, taking advantage of the fact that her grandson Aykhan Aliyev had psychological problems, stole things from her house, reports with reference to Qafqazinfo and the Ganja regional press service group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The woman’s claims that her grandson has mental problems and committed the theft at someone’s instigation are untrue.

It is noted that a resident of the city of Ganja, Aykhan Aliyev, stole gold, jewelry, household and electronic items totaling 102,110 manats from a private residential building belonging to his grandmother from June 2 to 3 of this year and sold them to various persons.

A criminal case has been initiated at the Ganja Police Headquarters, and A. Aliyev, suspected of committing the crime, has been detained. During the investigation, some of the stolen items were found and returned to the victim. By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against her grandson.

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