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Head of Department of Housing and Maintenance Department of Defense Ministry arrested

Head of the Department of Capital and Current Repairs of the Housing and Maintenance Department of the Defense Ministry Rahim Lachinov has been arrested, reports. The military prosecutor’s office of the republic brought him to criminal responsibility. During the investigation, it was revealed that large sums of money were embezzled by companies during the execution of some construction works commissioned by the Defense Ministry.

According to information received from other reliable sources, the criminal case was considered on July 29 in the Baku Military Court, and a decision was made to arrest R. Lachinov. During the investigation, it became known that Rahim Lachinov committed the above-mentioned actions together with the Chief of Staff of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Defense Ministry, Colonel Elmar Mammadov. Currently, investigative measures in this direction are ongoing.

Thus, at the beginning of 2022, the State Security Service conducted an operation in the Ministry of Defense to identify violations of the law. As a result of operational activities, the former head of the Ministry’s Financial Department, Major General Nizami Mammadov, the former head of the Air Force Financial Service, Colonel Jalal Kazimov, the former head of the Ground Forces Financial Department, Bayram Bayramov, the former head of the Navy Financial Department, Vusal Alizade and other officers were arrested, and their criminal cases were separated into separate proceedings.

The total damage to the state in the criminal case is 143 million manat. During the investigation, the state was compensated for a total damage of 40 million manat. Rahim Lachynov was also questioned as a witness in court.

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