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Paul Roberts: The collapse of the Soviet Union has made the world more dangerous

Paul Craig Roberts is Professor at the Institute of Political Economy, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute, USA, and a famous writer. He is an author of regular column in “The Washington Post”, several books and numerous articles and manuals for professionals.

Professor P.C. Roberts is known to the world as an author of “Reaganomics”, he worked in responsible positions in the government of Ronald Reagan. P.C. Roberts is Knight of the Order of Legion of Honour and other awards.

In 2005, in the United States and around the world received a great response “six points” of P.C. Roberts, which representing the program criticism of internal and foreign policy of President George W. Bush and scientifically substantiated recommendations on elimination these shortcomings.

Professor P.C. Roberts has kindly agreed to give an exclusive interview the International Organization for Legal Research and answer a number of topical issues. Please see the interview on our website in section “Library – interview”

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