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I want grants!

Since October 1, 2012 the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) activity is ceased in the Russian Federation.

According to the comments of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Lukashevich, voicing the opinion of President Vladimir Putin, the reason for this decision is that “… through the distribution of grants the agency has been trying to influence to the political process, including elections of different levels, and institutions of civil society”.

As it is known, the Act establishing USAID was signed by President John F. Kennedy in November 1961. The declared aims of the organization were a providing of long-term assistance in economic and social development of other countries.To finance the program of this organization annually allocated about 1% of the U.S. federal budget.

Some analysts consider Putin’s decision as a veiled care about the USA. “Situation in the US economy obliges to reduce unproductive expenses and we help them in that”, – quotes of the Russian President. 

Fact that is a creating of the USAID, the USA first thought of its interests, it is more than obvious and only naive simpletons like Ksenia Sobchak can doubt in it.Fact that the U.S. distributed and distributes grants by square-cluster method is also evident. Most Muslim countries are witness.

It is impossible without money to buy orange paint, roses, velvet.

Think of it comrades Americans, think …

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