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Baku to host the races on a circle

Carriageways of the central streets of Baku are surrounded by metal grids three meters high, mounted on the multi-ton concrete bases. Not to pass on the sidewalks and not to get back.

Since it is not reported about the reasons of a reservation, and therefore an opinion of experts divided.

Some believe that Baku scheduled to take place an encierro (Running of the Bulls) – Azerbaijani national custom, consisting in runaway from a specially released from enclosure of bulls, a roles of which perform of policemen.

Others assert about the upcoming stage, “Formula 1”, with the participation of Felipe Massa and Michael Schumacher, and third group – a creation of Bantustans to the indigenous population.

The fourth group of experts says that will be allowed peaceful demonstrations and the police will not be there, because route is on a circle which has no end.

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