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Wahhabi from Luxembourg

October 21, 2012 finally held a wedding of Prince Guillaume, a heir to the throne of the Dukedom of Luxembourg and Belgian Countess Stephanie de Lannoy, reports the publication “SF”.

Ceremony of marriage has been planned for early September, but in connection with detention of Prince Guillaume in the capital of Azerbaijan, in frame of the fight with bearded followers of Wahhabism (Salafism), it has been rescheduled on October.

According to information obtained “SF” from their own source in the Foreign Ministry, the Baku policemen plucked part of beard of the Prince and had released his only after stop off a Secretary of the heir to a throne at “Currency exchange” shop.

The scandal was hushed by representatives of the “Caspian Fish”, but in retaliation, resentful Prince has invited no one of the crowned persons of Azerbaijan for his marriage ceremony.

Analysts of “SF” note that this is not the first blunder of Azerbaijani law enforcement bodies in shaving beard policy of deterrence and separation of Muslims. This summer in Baku, has been detained the Ukrainian journalist Anatoly Wasserman, known as a multiple winner of the intellectual TV show games who easily remembering for his bushy beard. The beard and shorts became a reason of arrest of the intellectual and atheist, who was mistakenly accepted for Wahhabi and tried to deprive undeserved attributes.The scandal was hushed up again only after interference representatives of the “Caspian Fish”, and reaction of Wasserman on the happened event was positive.

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