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Phone against misers

October 4, 2012 it has been launched the website Bribr – a mobile application to collect information about the bribes. The developers emphasize their apolitical character: the stated goal is combating small domestic bribery, not exposure of the big corrupt officials.

The new project is implemented through Bribr mobile application, in which can be “safely and anonymously report a bribe and a site with statistics on incoming information about the bribes”.A user downloads the application on iPhone and anonymously admits, for example, bought off for driving under the influence. It should be specified an amount, a place of giving a bribe and select a category.

The website displays a statistics – at a time of writing of the text total sum of “detected” of bribes has been more than 1 million rubles, and 54.4% of the sum had gone into the pocket of the heads of kindergartens. Most part of the interface occupies a map which displays the places of giving of bribes, reports

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