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There are no stranger political prisoners

On December 15, 2012 in International Organization for Legal Researches held a “round table” (meeting) on subject “Are the arresting Muslims the prisoners of conscience”.

The reason of this discussion was the recent statements of some human rights activists in media that “Islamists” should not be classified as political prisoners.

Speaking at the meeting, Doctor of Juridical Sciences Javanshir Suleymanov sharply criticized such statements. He said that usage of the term “Islamist” was incorrect and had substantiated in detail his point of view. All present were agreed with his point of view. Further, J. Suleymanov, arguing by the provisions of international instruments (Convention on Human Rights), and comparing them with the decisions of the PACE that were adopted on the report of Christoph Strasser, substantiated, that persons arrested on false charges for their convictions are political prisoners.

To confirm his words J. Suleymanov cited glaring facts of illegal arrests human rights activists from Gusar region Rahib Piraliyev and Sharafaddin Mahmudov, who were arrested on trumped-up charges for their religious convictions and to fight corruption.

The participants of the “round table” unanimously accepted a decision on the issue of recognition as prisoners of conscience of believers, who were arrested on false charges.


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