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And you, Brutus?

December 13, 2012 association “Reserve Officers” held “round table” on military personnel vacations, reports the “Turan”. Chairman of the Association Yashar Jafarli said that it is a serious problem. The Azerbaijani legislation is stipulated situation with unused vacations. According to it, in the period 1995 to July 2010, though in small numbers, but the problem with holidays decided by the courts.

In July 2010, in connection with this issue, it was adopted law. According to the presidential decree, the Cabinet of Ministers was charged for two months to take effective steps in this direction. However, the government took measures until two years later, in September 2012. Under this decision, military personnel, retired before July 2010, no compensation will be paid for unused vacation.

Public association considers this decision as a violation of the principle of equality between servicemen, and issued on November 25 of current year order of the Minister of Defense, which is supported the government’s decision, as illegal.


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