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In Ismailli children are inflicted loss

Only in Azerbaijan shops and restaurants, palaces of celebrations and hotels, saunas and beauty salons are called by their owners names, and also by names of children, grandchildren, wives and mistress. This is allowed to determine their true owners not addressing under this at Informational and analytical department of the Tax Ministry.

Before fire, in Ismailli operated few LLC (limited liability company) the word “Vafi” in the names – “Vafi Tourism”, “Vafi Region”, “Vafi Construction”. Evil tongues were said that they all belong to a son of the Minister of labour and social maintenance of population Fizuli Alekberov – Vugar (V) Alekberov (a) Fizuli ogly (fi).

However, Vugar’s uncle – a head of Executive authority of Ismailli district Nizami Alekberov asserted that he has no idea who is owner of the burned hotel “Chirag”, which is registered in one of the “Vafi”. He spoke only about few burned cars, purchased by him on labour income.

Muckraking journalists and the members of the “ReAl” Public movement found that all “Vafi” belong to Alekberov Vugar Fizuli ogly, and put it mildly, his uncle told a falsehood.

Why did he do it? It is no secret and everybody knows that in Azerbaijan everything belong children.


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