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A guard of the President became a political prisoner

Chief Lieutenant of Special State Guard Service of Azerbaijan 37 year old Asif Latifov on trumped up accusation of stealing one cartridge by cost 35 kopeks (!!!) was sentenced by Baku Military Court to 5 years and 6 months in prison (!!!).

“Such “justice” is an unprecedented arbitrariness that has no analogues in the world”, – said the well-known human rights defender Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor V. Tammert, watching the court process of A. Latifov case.

“Horror”, “tyranny”, “cannibalism”, etc. adjectives described a happening event the vast majority of foreign and local lawyers.

Asif Latifov is known fact that in 2010, when he was an officer of special guard forces unit criticized corrupt systems, practicing in the activities of the guard services.

March 11, 2011 by Order No. 127 of a Chief of the Special State Guard Service, Colonel-General V. Akhundov “… for hiding from a commanding officer of one found cartridge and creation in a military team climate of tension” A. Latifov was dismissed from the SSGS.

Due to the fact that after his dismissal A. Latifov, showing his principles, replenished during training in Turkey, continued to uncover corruption in the guard service, and found cartridge to be “transformed” in kidnapped one and a young chevalier of state awards was illegally imprisoned.

Asif Latifov was recognized by number of domestic and international human rights organizations as political prisoner.

On the case of A. Latifov were informed the UN Committee on Human Rights, the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of PACE, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Freedom House and other human rights organizations.


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