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Azerbaijani human rights activist is awarded an International prize

Prize for Human Rights in 2012, established by acting in the Czech Republic organization “People in Need” has awarded to Azerbaijani human rights defender and lawyer Intigam Aliyev.

It following is stated in the Organization report:

“Intigam Aliyev has been working as lawyer more than 20 years, and during this period he defended the rights of the hundreds people, saved them. Today a famous counsel is continuing the defense of people convicted for critics of the authorities. A more quantity of his cases against repressive regime were presented to the Strasbourg Court, and the most of them had been successful.

In January current year Intigam Aliyev was convicted on a short period during breaking up the opposition rally in Baku. In 2011 a lawyer was detained in Istanbul airport and was subjected to violence by the police. We have awarded to him this prize, taking into account his long-term activity as a lawyer and publicists.

Director of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights Defense Marec Svoboda said that currently Intigam Aliyev is the most active member of the civil society in Azerbaijan. The Organization equates existed in Azerbaijan regime with Byelorussian one”.


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