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Is it a new crusade?

Ilham Aliyev, Member of Parliament and son-in-law of Ramiz Mehdiyev, the head of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, speaking at a session of parliament supported the amendments to the law on religion, tighten control over religious literature and called for a decisive fight against the believers, “with long beards and short trousers.”

“We have our religion and we accept it. However, I am supporting the amendment to the law. Because we have to isolate from society those who wear short trousers and let their beards down to their chests. When you go out in the evening on the boulevard, and you see them, you begin to hate,” – said the parliamentarian.

Rashid Hajili, Director of Media Rights Institute, called the speech of the MP “unpleasant and offensive to believers”. From the point of view of the law, this is a call for hatred and intolerance.

“In fact, the Parliament itself was to assess and condemn this statement”, – says Hajili.

“Prosecution organs have to give legal assessment to the call of the parliamentarian, because there are signs that fall under Article 283 of the Criminal Code (incitement of national, racial, social or religious hatred and enmity), as well as an attack on the freedom of expression, conscience and religion”, – stated a human rights activist.


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