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The “Magnitsky list” against Azerbaijani officials

Held in custody on trumped up charges, a leader of the civil movement “Republican Alternative» (ReAl) Ilgar Mamedov is preparing an appeal to the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament, calling for sanctions against the officers involved in his arrest, announced the Executive Secretary of ReAl Natig Jafarli.

In a message of Mamedov, posted on Facebook, is noted that he had applied to the European Parliament and the U.S. Congress only in connection with the occupation of Karabakh.

This time Mamedov will request the introduction of a visa ban, and if possible, sanctions of a material nature against those who participated in the falsification of criminal proceedings against him in order to remove him from participating in the presidential elections.

Mamedov called the 11 officials who, in his view, must be imposed sanctions. These are a head of the Department on Work with Law Enforcement of the Azerbaijan President Administration Fuad Aleskerov, First Deputy of Prosecutor General Rustam Usubov, a head of the Investigation Department for Serious Crimes of the Prosecutor General Eldar Ahmedov, employees of this department Sattar Rzayev, Nadir Mirzayev and Gasim Mamedov and the judges involved in the arrest of Mamedov, or rejection of his claims – Emin Mehdiyev, Faig Gasimov, Sahibhan Mirzoyev and Jamal Ramazanov.

“We should compile not the lists of political prisoners, but the lists of people, who create political prisoners, and punish them for it,” – the message says.

Some human rights activists offer to include in the “Magnitsky list” on Azerbaijan all persons indicated in the telephone directories of the Supreme Court, Ministry of Justice, Prosecutor’s Office, MIA, MNS and other governmental institutions.


Held in custody on trumped up charges, a leader of the civil movement “Republican Alternative» (ReAl) Ilgar Mamedov is preparing an appeal to the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament, calling for sanctions against the officers involved in his arrest, announced the Executive Secretary of ReAl Natig Jafarli.

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