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Statement of the Canadian Branch of National Council of Azerbaijan

On the call of the known playwright Rustam Ibragimbekov about necessity of creation of the National Council with the union of all opposition forces for a joint struggle during the presidential election is received the response from Canada of the following content:

“We are a group of intellectuals of Canada, set up the office of the National Council and we are fully supporting this initiative of the Intellectuals Forum, headed by its leader Rustam Ibragimbekov.

With the advent to the power of Aliyev elder was created unprecedented in the history of a corrupt system, turning Azerbaijan into a “cash cow” for the Aliyev family and Nakhichevan group led by Ramiz Mehdiyev.

This group also includes Beylar Eyubov, Vasif Talibov and Kamaladdin Heydarov. It are joined to them Ramil Usubov, Zakir Garalov, Safar Abiyev.

These people turned Azerbaijan into their estate, a giant bazaar, which sells everything, even the parliamentarian and prosecutor posts, and positions of the Chief Executive. Even reassignment from the position of one area to another is carried out for the money.

That is, Azerbaijan is a country of lawlessness. This is completely false state with a puppet parliament and the government led by Artur Rasi-zade. The media are distributed primitive information, lies and hypocrisy.

All this is combined with unrestrained extravagance stolen money on empty amusements, simple bragging against background of the poverty of the majority. The system of government in Azerbaijan do not fit into any political science frameworks and laws, such as dictatorship, authoritarian regime.

Rather, it reminds a thieves assembly. At the official budget of $ 23 billion in the oil fund accumulated $ 45 billion, and at the Heydar Aliyev Foundation no one knows how many billions are.

Imagine how much was stolen. Probably in 2 time more. Recently approved by Ilham Aliyev the official poverty line is 93 manat. And this is with the world prices for food, clothing and household supplies.

Pensioners receive 150 manat, and persons with disabilities – 100 manat. The lion’s share of the budget of public spending goes to the supporting of the corrupted state apparatus, the police and prosecutors.

The most part of the funds allocated for various economic projects, the army and defense are stolen. How much times can one build highway Baku-Kazakh, which is a part of the Silk Road? Stolen money would be enough for 10 of such roads.

Even in backward Nigeria people receive more from oil revenue, not to mention the Arab countries. Ask any Azerbaijani, how much he received from the oil revenues? He will reply: “Nothing.”

Nationwide money is appropriated by handful of families and by people who serve to them. In this thriving window dressing, lavish spending money on projects such as the “Eurovision”, the empty Olympic complexes, purchase of the world records, foreign athletes.

While in the West the billionaires like Gates, Buffett and Soros are spending more money on education, hospitals, medicine, and science, our billionaires are spending money on football, hockey on grass and boxing. All these are done in order to please the President of Azerbaijan.

According to authorities, these are done to raise the image of Azerbaijan. Actually, it is empty boasting. West criticizes the Azerbaijani authorities for violation of human rights. It is not accidental, that secret ruler of Azerbaijan Ramiz Mehdiyev in his program book identifies the main goals – the fight against neocolonialism of the West, Westernization and the establishment of the Iron Curtain.

Corrupt power will never solve any of the problems of Azerbaijan, including Karabakh. All these years, our people have patiently endured bullying of the authorities. According to Heydar Aliyev, “my people is patient”. But now our people straightens from hibernation. There is a new generation of activists, like Emin Milli and Adnan Hajizadeh. Organizing online demonstration in memory of a dead soldier is a harbinger Internet revolution. The appearance and consolidation of progressive intellectuals in the Forum led by Rustam Ibragimbekov is a new phenomenon in our society, the sprout of civil society, of which we dreamed.

We firmly reject all attacks on this forum, and personally on Rustam Ibragimbekov and demand an end to campaign of his slander.

Unfortunately, this is done by the authorities headed by Ramiz Mehdiyev, and opposition that are under his control.

Now is the time of the new stage of creation of the National Council. We support the union of all the opposition forces for change the corrupt regime around a single candidate who will be interim president, will hold free elections in new parliament, presidential elections and adopt a new constitution guaranteeing the rule of law.

We offer on the post of interim president a candidacy of Lala Shovkat Hajiyeva. We know her as fair and decent woman who always keeps her promises. We call her to break the silence and manifest social activity.

We appeal to all Azerbaijanis, youth organizations, political parties to unite behind the National Council and especially appeal to the leaders of political parties – give up for a time of political ambition and resentment at this crucial time for the country. Do not repeat the mistakes of the past, when you could not agree on a single candidate, and given the opportunity to win Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev.

Back then it was considered a mistake, now it would be a crime against own people, assisting to the authorities. We are convinced that the hour of victory of our people came.

The Canadian Department of National Council of Azerbaijan”.


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