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Human rights defender sentenced to 8 years in prison

27 February, 2013 Baku Court of Grave Crimes chaired by Mahmud Agalarov completed the trial of the lawyer Bakhtiyar Mammadov. He was charged under Articles 182.3 (Extortion using violence) and 178.1 (Fraud) of the Criminal Code.

since August 13, 2010 Mammadov was already on probation sentenced to 7.5 years for fraud. By combining the two sentences, the court sentenced Mammadov to 8 years in prison.

Accused and his lawyers deny the allegations and believe that he is being persecuted for defending the rights of 29 military families living in the houses around Flag Square. These houses were demolished in anticipation of the contest Eurovision and each family was paid only 10 thousand manats for rental of properties. According to Mammadov, for this purpose the government allocated 2 million manat, which was stolen by the command of the naval forces.


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