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Raghib Piraliyev is preparing to the court farce

Investigatory Department of the Office for Combating Organized Crime of the MIA of Azerbaijan has completed an investigation on criminal case in respect of the prisoner of conscience Raghib Piraliyev.

As a result of falsification of evidence and forgery of documents it was indicted to R. Piraliyev new accusations on articles 167.2.1 (import religious literature without a permit), 234.4.3 (illegal possession with intent to sell drugs on a large scale) and 283.1 (incitement of national, racial, social or religious hatred and enmity) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

Defenders of R. Piraliyev – counsels J. Suleymanov and A. Mutallimov stated that, as in case of Mahmudov, with the same success an investigative body could bring charges in murdering of John Kennedy.

It has been mad a lot of abuse and forgery, which requires a new case to them to investigate “- summed up the defenders.


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