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The obvious – an incredible!

Shouting “Allahu akbar!” a crowd of believers have met the solutions of the Baku Court of Grave Crimes on the cases of prisoners of conscience Sharafaddin Mahmudov and Raghib Piraliyev.

Policemen who arrived to the place and knowing about the reasons of rejoicing, made a helpless gesture.

In 10.30 am on April 9, 2013 the panel of judges of the Baku Court of Grave Crimes chaired by Tamilla Nasrullayeva made a decision to discontinue a criminal case against a prisoner of conscience resident of Qusar region of Azerbaijan, Sharafaddin Mahmudov and returned the case to the prosecutor in connection with numerous violations of the rights of the accused and provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law.

At the same day, in one hour, at same grounds the panel of judges of the Baku Court of Grave Crimes chaired by Rauf Aliyev to stop a reviewing the criminal case in respect of other prisoner of conscience from Qusar, Raghib Piraliyev and also returned the case to the prosecutor office for additional investigation.

Approximately, up to 100 believers who came to the court sessions from different regions of Azerbaijan, declared that they had not hoped to justice but they

They were glad that were wrong in their suppositions and thanked for this to the leadership of the Republic and to the President I. Aliyev in person.

Believers Sunnites Sharafaddin Mahmudov and Raghib Piraliyev were arrested on August, 2012 by the employees of the Department to combat of organized crime of the MIA of Azerbaijan on trumped up accusation in illegal storage of drugs and religious books.

On words of the defenders-counsels of Abuzar Mutallimov and Javanshir Suleymanov during pretrial proceedings were made a huge number of violations and illegalities, and arbitrariness was so obviously, that even prosecutors and judges were indignant.

What it is? Is it spring thaw or triumph of justice?


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