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Judges are waiting recovery of Tale Bagirzade

According to defender-counsel of Anar Gasymli, the Sabunchu district court has indefinitely postponed consideration of allegations that theologian Taleh Bagirzade was tortured, due to vacation of the Judge Agayev transferring of the case to another judge.

The lawyer believes that the complaint has been delayed so that physical indications of the traces of violence on Bagirzade’s body disappear. The Sabunchu district police allegedly tortured the theologian.

The lawyer said it is unreasonable to keep Bagirzade at the Office to Combat Organized Crime. According to him, Bagirzade should be transferred to a detention center. The fact that the theologian is still kept in that Office suggests that new charges are being prepared against him.

On April 9, a search of Bagirzade’s home resulted in the seizure of four religious books in Arabic and Farsi. At the Office to Combat Organized Crime, Bagirzade was told that investigators have witnesses of his involvement of burning the house of artist Zeinab Khanlarova.

Bagirzade was arrested on March 31 on accusations of illegal possession of drugs (Article 234.1). According to investigators, it was confiscated 1.026 grams of heroine from him. However, according to the religious activists, the real reason for his arrest is his sharp public criticism of the country authorities.

It is not excluded that under such court proceedings and justice it is able even to accuse Bagirzade in murdering of President Kennedy.


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