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The prosecutor’s office in search of thoughts

Prosecutor General Office made a statement regarding the inspection in the office of the Free Thought University (FTU) indicating that refutes the closing of the FTU, and at the same time confirmed the seizure of documents of this structure in connection with the criminal case against members of the NIDA Youth Movement, with the abuses of the law, and the coincidence of the names of the founders with the founders of the OL organization (this youth organization is implementing the FTU project.)

According to the prosecutor’s office, in violation of the law the OL  does not have state registration, did not represent to the state agencies with reports on their activities and illegally received funds from foreign organizations.

To verify the legitimacy of the organization and how large sums of foreign organizations were used, the members of the prosecution withdraw from the office of the organization on the basis of relevant court decisions, and other documents. The employees of the Ministry of Finance have organized the audit of tax compliance, the report said.

The representative of OL, Adnan Hajizade, pointed that currently the founders of the Movement are he, Ruslan Asad and Vugar Salamly. Other founders left to the NIDA and do not have relation to OL.


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