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Azerbaijan – a state without a legal system

In an interview with TV Objective similar statement was made by a head of legal firm “Chalkhan” Gurban Mammadov, commenting the act of amnesty in honor of the 90th anniversary of the former President Heydar Aliyev.

On opinion of G. Mammadov, the local judicial system is not independent, as it is dependent on the whim of the highest officials of the executive authorities, the “phone right”, the system of bribery, and the “law of physical force”.

The European institutions are twofold to the fate of local inmates and violations of their rights. On the one hand, PACE says a total breakdown, on the other hand, the Greek judge of the European Court of Human Rights for one day rejects of 50 complaints, and it has no consequences.

Mammadov believes that membership in the Bar Association today is an act of political agreement and its chairman Azer Tagiyev, as a member of the Central Election Commission, directly performs the will of the power.


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