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Expected increasing a number of political prisoners

The Narimnanov District Court presided over by the judge Mazahir Sadykhov is coming to end a court process in the case over a group of believers who were arrested for taking part in a protest in defense of the hijab on October 5, 2012.

According to the lawyer Anar Gasymly, 29 May, 2013 the prosecutor made a speech and offered to sentence Elshad Rzayev and Ramil Veliyev to 7.5 years in prison, finding them guilty under the Articles of the Criminal Code: 315.2 (resistance to police by using force, which threatens the life and health) and 233 (organization of actions aimed at disturbing public order, or participation in them).

He asked to sentence to 2.5 years in prison Vahid Lalakishiyev, Elchin Mammadov, Arif Fataliyev and Ramil Mehdiyev, finding them guilty under Article 233 of the Criminal Code.

The lawyer of Gasymly noted that punishing his client under two Articles was unfounded. The lawyer also pointed out the absurdity of the invalidity and representing the accused as religious fanatics, as they just were holding a protest against the ban on wearing headscarves in schools.

Total number of the arrested on events of October 5, 2012 is 31 people. Of these, 19 have already been convicted. The defendants in these cases are called by human rights activists the «prisoners of hijab.” Because the police used force to disperse the rally participants, the rally turned into a confrontation.


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