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It is prevented a sale of counterfeit medicines in chemist’s

In course of the measures carried out by the Ministry of National Security (MNS) and Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan, violation of the rules for the protection of human health has been revealed, APA reports with reference to the MNS Public Relations Department.

Individuals, attempting to put up unregistered counterfeit medicines not meeting the requirements of normative-technical documents for sale, were identified and the sale of medicines in chemist’s shops was prevented as a result of remedial actions.  

Azerbaijani citizen, resident of Aghsu region, 43-year old pharmacist Gerayev T. A. attempted to sale cheap medicines like “no-spa”, “bromgeksin”, “seftriakson”, as well as other medicines with unknown origin instead of Russia and Turkey-made “Primavir”, “Sefogram”, “Pulmaksol” medicines by changing their boxes and etiquettes.

Boxes, etiquettes and instructions of “Primavir”, “Sefogram”, “Pulmaksol” medicines were published in printing house of 29-year old Goychay resident Muzaffarov P.T.

P. Muzaffarov has burned typographical supplies for medicines to conceal his illegal acts, but those typographical supplies (films) for preparation of counterfeit medicines have been seized during the examination of the cite. A large number of medicine examples, as well as 3.600 ampoules with transparent liquid and without etiquette, 2.400 “Pulmoxol” medicine boxes, 5.480 etiquettes and 2.576 instructions for them, 1.400 Cefograms – 1g medicine boxes and 1.965 etiquettes for them, 5.000 Primavir medicine, 86.030 etiquettes and 4.500 instructions for them, empty boxes for 838 ampoules, photocopies for preparation of etiquettes, special equipments and instruments have been seized and sent to Analytic expertise Center of the Ministry of Health.
Currently, measures have been taken to identify persons suspected of preparation and sale of counterfeit medicines.

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