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The General Prosecutor’s office made new statement on case of Agroleasing OJSC

Azerbaijan General Prosecutor’s Office has issued another statement regarding law violations committed by Agroleasing OJSC, reports APA agency with reference to the press service of General Prosecutor’s Office.

The investigation into the criminal case concerning the law violations committed by the head of the Regional Agro-service and Supply branch of Agroleasing OJSC in Sheki launched by the Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Azerbaijan has discovered that head of the Agriculture Department for Sheki area under the Ministry of Agriculture Javanshir Gurbanov has abused his position, during the time he worked as head of the Sheki Regional Agro-service and Supply branch of Agroleasing OJSC. He is accused of embezzling AZN 64,000 that he gained by formalizing the sale of mineral fertilizers that were meant to be sold at discounted prices to agricultural manufacturers and then selling them to different individuals engaged in manufacturing agricultural products as well as refusing to pay the value of fertilizers costing AZN 987,480 that he sold to different legal entities and individuals to the state budget and was sentenced to pretrial detention. Criminal case has been launched under the Criminal Code’s articles179.3.2 (embezzlement) and 308.2 (abuse of power).

The investigation on this case has been continuing. 

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