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Prosecutor General’s office about crime in Damirbank

The investigation of the criminal case launched by the Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General on the irregularities of officials of Demirbank OJSC Sumgayit branch has been completed, the press-service of the Prosecutor General’s Office told

The investigation revealed suspicions that Jabir Sultanov who was the deputy branch manager embezzled AZN 10 000, swindled AZN 40 000 by abusing his powers, and damaged the rights and legal interests of Demirbank OJSC by instructing Saida Abiyeva to sign official documents on behalf of the clients without their participation. The case was launched under the Criminal Code’s article 178.3.2 (swindle), 179.3.2 (embezzlement) and 308.1 (abusing official powers). S. Abiyeva faced the charges under the article 308.1 of the Code.

The damage was partially paid during the investigation.

The case has already been submitted to Baku Court of Grave Crimes for consideration.

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