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Drug plantation found

Interior Ministry’s Department for Combat against Drugs has received an operational information on cultivation of large quantities of drugs in Galeybugurd village of Shamakhi region, APA reports quoting press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,

As a result of operation measures, a drug plantation has been found in the land leased by Baku resident 60 year-old Sardar Sharifzadeh. Nearly 100 hemps with the height of over 2 meters have been taken as an evidence.

S. Sharifzadeh said in his testimony that he leased the plot of land for drug cultivation in May and planted hemps with the agreement of its owners. He looked after the drugs n accordance with the special agro technical rules. Sharifzadeh also noted that he also used special fertilizer.

A criminal case has been launched on the fact and investigation is underway. 

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