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Khadija Ismailova not allowed to leave the country again

The Azerbaijani authorities have not allowed the investigative journalist Khadija Ismailova to take part at a hearing of the Helsinki Commission of the US Congress on November 19 on the problems of corruption in the OSCE area,  reports

A month ago Ismailova was not allowed to leave the country for a conference in the Czech Republic under the pretext that she was a witness in a criminal case “for the disclosure of state secrets.”

However, over time she has not been summoned for investigation. Now, despite the advance notice to the investigation about the trip, she did not receive an official response. About this Ismailova wrote on her page on Facebook.

Ismailova was one of the speakers at the event and she sent her report to the hearing, expressing the hope that corruption in Azerbaijan will receive due attention at the event.

Ismailova also stated her intention to appeal against the illegal actions of prosecutors in court.

She recalls that the Criminal Procedure Code of Azerbaijan does not include a ban on a witness leaving the country if there is no court order or written commitments.

Ismailova considers the prosecutors’ actions as restricting her freedom of movement to punish her for criticizing the authorities.

“It will not stop me and I will continue to speak the truth,” writes Ismailova.

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