Свобода – величайший плод ограничения желаний свободы (Эпикур).                Видеть несправедливость и молчать – это значит, самому участвовать в ней (Ж.-Ж. Руссо).                Светоч истины часто обжигает руку тому, кто его несет (П. Буаст).                Умирают только за то, ради чего стоит жить (Сент-Экзюпери).                Знание есть сила, сила есть знание (Бэкон).



“Tafaccur” University and International Organization for Legal Researches



Editorial Board of journal “Juridical Sciences and Education”


Editor in chief

Suleymanov Javanshir Islam oglu, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, President of International Organization for Legal Researches, a member of the Bar Association of Azerbaijan Republic (Azerbaijan). 
Address: 22 Garabag street, Baku, AZ1008, Azerbaijan Republic 
Telephone: +994-12-496-95-73; mob. + 994-50-222-20-83; E-mail: mopi_sid@yahoo.com


Deputies of Chief Editor

Craze Lyubov Moiseevna, Doctor of Psychology, a member of the Council of the International Organization for Legal Researches, consultant-translator of “Adid” company (Israel) 
Address: Lavon str., Holon, Israel 
Telephone: 810-972-03-503-56-73. E-mail: dina@iolr.org

Shiraliyeva Sabina Javanshir qyzy, Doctor Philosophy of Law, a member of the Council of the International Organization for Legal Researches, Deputy of Director of the “SID” Consulting firm (Azerbaijan)

Address: 15 Khatai ave., Baku, AZ1008, Azerbaijan Republic  

Telephone: +994-12-496-95-74. Email: sid_legalservices@yahoo.com


Editorial Board

Bitensky Susan, Doctor of Law, Professor, Alan S. Zekelman Professor of International Human Rights Law, Director of Lori E. Talsky Center for Women and Children Rights (USA) 
Address: Michigan State University College of Law, 447 Law College Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1300 
Telephone: 517-432-86-98. Email: bitensky@law.msu.edu

Jansarayeva Rimma Erenatovna, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, a Chief of the Department for Criminal law, criminal process and criminalistics of juridical faculty of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi (Kazakhstan) 
Address: 71 al-Farabi ave., housing guk-3 
Telephone: +7(727)-377-33-36 ext. 1259. E-mail: jansarayeva@mail.ru

Dikayev Salman Umarovich, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, a Chief of the Department for Criminal process of Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia, Police Colonel (Russia) 
Address: 198206, Saint-Petersburg, L. Pilyutov Str., home no.1 housing no. 9 
Telephone: +7(812)-730-22-38, +7(812)-744-87-95. E-mail: dikaev@mail.ru

Lazareva Valentina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Laws, Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Samara National Research University (Russian Federation).

Address: 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086.

Telephone: + 7 (846) 267-43-70. E-mail: v.a.lazareva@mail.ru

Lykhova Sofiia,  Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Kyiv (Ukraine).

Address: Kiev, 1, Lubomir Guzar Str.

Telephone: + 380-67-446-94-85. E-mail: k_kpipp@ukr.net

Mustafazade Ayten Inglab gizi, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, (Azerbaijan).
Address: AZ1073, Baku, H. Cavid ave., 115.
Telephone: +994-12-537-20-76. E-mail: info@human.science.az

Rahimov Ilham Mamedhasan oglu, Academician of the RAS, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor/ Honoured Jurist of Azerbaijan Republic, a member of the Council of the International Organization for Legal Researches (Azerbaijan) 
Address: AZ1008, Baku, 22nd Garabakh Str. 
Telephone: +994-50-223-68-58. E-mail: mopi_sid@yahoo.com

Roberts Paul Craig, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Institute for Political Economy, a member of the Council of the International Organization for Legal Researches (USA) 
http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/pages/about-paul-craig-roberts/ (communication through site). E-mail: instituteforpe@gmail.com / pcr3@mac.com

Rubis Aleksander Sergeevich, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Scientific Research Institute for the Problems of Criminology, criminalistics and forensic expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Republic of Belarus, Professor of the Belorussian State University (Belarus) 
Address: 220030, Minsk, 14th Soviet Str., Belarus 
Telephone: +375-17-327-29-13. E-mail: ippk@bsu.by

Tsatsanishvili Mariam, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, a member of Academic Council of Caucasus International University (Georgia) 
Address: 0141, Tbilisi, Region of Gldani-Nadzaladevi, Sanzona, 73rd Chargli Str. 
Telephone: +995-32-261-12-98; 995-32-294-59-92. E-mail: mar@informsoc.org

Cekerevac Zoran, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Editor in Chief of “MESTE” Journal (Serbia). E-mail: zoran@cekerevac.eu


Executive Secretary

Engel Sevil, Doctor of Psychology, Doctor-consultant of “Gelios” Clinics, a member of the Council of the International Organization for Legal Researches (Germany) 
Address: 10557, Berlin, 11 Paulstrasse, Germany 
Telephone: +49-176767864-9. E-mail:vil_ru@yahoo.com





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Cognosce te ipsum!                Surge et age!                Aliis inserviendo consumor!                Cogito, ergo sum!                Non progredi est regredi!

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