Archive for October 5th, 2024

Juridical Sciences and Education. Journal no. 76 – Baku, 2024 – III quarter – 158 p.

The edition has been published since May, 2003.

The initial name was “Science and Education. (Law). The collection of scientific articles”.

The journal is published the original works which reflect results of the study and resolution of current problems in the field of law and education.

Articles are published in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages.

State registration certificate no. 359 for the media from 15.03.2003

ISSN 2304-1730 (print), ISSN 2304-1749 (online)

The journal is indexed in the international databases: Elektonische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (Germany), Index Copernicus (Poland), Ulrichsweb (USA).


Journal is a member of Publishers International Linking Association (PILA – Crossref).


Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic included the journal “Juridical Sciences and Education” in the list of publications recommended for publishing of the main provisions of dissertation research on the legal sciences (Decision no. 07-R from 16.05.2014) (

Journal’s activity is carried out in compliance with recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (see “Journal policy”)


The Founders

International Organization for Legal Researches

“Tafaccur” University



Editorial Board of the journal “Juridical Sciences and Education”

Editor in Chief

Suleymanov J.I., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan)

Deputies of Chief Editor

Craze L., Doctor of Psychology (Israel)

Shiraliyeva S.J., PhD in Law (Azerbaijan)

Editorial Board

Bitensky S., Doctor of Law, Professor (USA)

Dzhansarayeva R.Ye., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Kazakhstan)

Dikayev S.U., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Russia)

Lazareva V.A. – Doctor of Law, Professor (Russia)

Lykhova S.Ya.  Doctor of Law, Professor (Ukraine).

Mustafazade A.I., Doctor Juridical Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan)

Rahimov I.M., Academician of the RAS, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan)

Roberts P., Doctor of Politics, Professor (USA)

Rubis A.S., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Belarus)

Tsatsanashvili M., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Georgia)

Čekerevac Z., Doctor of Sciences, Professor (Serbia)


Executive Secretary

Engel S., Doctor of Psychology (Germany)



e-mail: //

Tel: 99412-4969573 Fax: 99412-4969574


Editorial Office: 22 Karabakh Street, AZ1008, Baku, Azerbaijan

The journal has a full-text electronic version in English and Russian languages at the site: (Journal – Archive). Free access. Reviewing and publication of articles are free of charges

Reprinting or reproduction in any way, in whole or in part, of the materials of the journal “Juridical Sciences and Education” without the written consent of the authors and the editorial board is prohibited.

Circulation – 200

© International Organization for Legal Researches, 2024



Aghayev O.I., Pechkurov I.A., Rahimov O.V.

Music Industry: Copyrights and Key Participants ……………………………………. 8-21

Aghayev O.I., Pechkurov I.A., Rahimov O.V. Music Industry…

Arifli A.A.

Protecting children’s rights in the age of artificial intelligence …………………….. 22-30

Arifli A.A. Protecting children’s rights…

Bogustov A.A.

Features of the initial stage of formation of national legislation of post-Soviet countries on copyright (on the example of the Draft Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus 1992) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 31-37

Bogustov A.A. Features of the initial stage of formation…

Gati A.L., Shiraliyev I.A.

The relationship between the concepts of intelligence and artificial intelligence … 38-46

Gati A.L., Shiraliyev I.A. The relationship between the concepts…

Qiblaliyeva A.E.

The role of conventional mechanisms in the field of gender-based development .. 47-56

Qiblaliyeva A.E. The role of conventional mechanisms…

Dijk Jan J.M., Steinmetz Carl H.D., Spickenheuer Hans L.P., Bartheke J.W. Docter-Schamhardt

Indirect effects of impact on crime rates ……………………………………………… 57-61

Dijk Jan J.M., Steinmetz Carl et al. Indirect effects …

Karimov Sh.M.

Cybercrime activity in the Republic of Azerbaijan and its characteristic features …62-70

Karimov Sh.M. Cybercrime activity in the Republic…

Knutsson J., Kühlhorn E.

Comments to the results of countermeasures against check forgery ……………… 71-73

Knutsson J., Kuhlhorn E. Comments to the results…

Conklin J.E.

Criminology: The Risk of Victimization ……………………………………………….. 47-78

Conklin J.E. Criminology-The Risk of Victimization

Naghdaliyev H.Z.

Formation of the category of war crimes in international law ………………………. 79-93

Naghdaliyev H.Z. Formation of the category of war…

Nagiyeva N.E.

Heydar Aliyev’s contributions to legal state-building in the context of the 2002 referendum: an analysis of the changes in the distribution of power  and the structure of local self-government …………………………………………………………………. 94-100

Nagiyeva N.E. Heydar Aliyev’s contribution to…

Nasibov K.R.

Who’s going to protect the lawyer? ………………………………………………… 101-111

Nasibov K.R. Who’s going to protect the lawyer

Rahimov I.M.

Publicity in the criminal punishment system ……………………………………….. 112-117

Rahimov I.M. Publicity in the criminal punishment…

Steinmetz Carl H.D.

The roles of the public and the police in crime prevention ……………………….. 118-121

Steinmetz C.H.D. The roles of the public and the police…

Suleymanov J.I.

Does a lawyer need artificial intelligence? ………………………………………… 122-139

Suleymanov J.I. Does a lawyer need artificial…

Shafalovich H.A.

To the question of the sources of judicial law in the Republic of Belarus ……… 140-150

Shafalovich H.A. To the question of the sources…

Guidelines for Authors …………………………………………………………….. 154-155

Guidelines for Authors

Our Partners ……………………………………………………………………………… 156

Our Partners




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The preliminary investigation of the criminal case of Bahruz Askerov, accused of planning terrorist acts in Azerbaijan, has been completed, reports with reference to Qafqazinfo. The materials collected on the case have been sent to the Baku Court of Grave Crimes for consideration. The victims in the case are the head of the Executive Power of Lankaran town Taleh Garashov and a foreign citizen. The case will be considered by a panel of judges chaired by Sabuhi Huseynov.

B. Asgarov, who was brought to criminal responsibility by the State Security Service, was charged under Articles 28,120.2.1, 28,120.2.10, 28,120.2.11, 28,120.2.12 (preparation for repeated murder by a group of persons by prior conspiracy motivated by national, racial, religious hatred or enmity), 28,214.2.1, 28,214.2.3 (preparation for committing a terrorist act using firearms and objects used as weapons), 28,214-3.1 (preparation for training for the purpose of terrorism), 28,277 (preparation for an attempt on the life of a statesman or public figure) and 28,278.1 (preparatory actions aimed at the violent change of the constitutional order of the state) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

However, as a result of the measures taken by the State Security Service, he was unable to complete his criminal acts.

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Police detained two people suspected of fraud in Baku and Sumgait, Report informs citing information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Employees of the Khazar District Police Department detained 49-year-old A. Aliyev, suspected of embezzling 76 thousand manats from one person, and employees of the 3rd police department of the Sumgait City Administration detained 33-year-old I. Mammadli, suspected of embezzling 8,745 manats from a city resident.

An investigation is underway into the facts.

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A drug courier suspect has been detained in Zardab, reports with reference to the Shirvan regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, as a result of the activities carried out by the district police department, previously convicted Ensar Jafarov was detained. About 4 kg of marijuana were found on him.

During the investigation, it was established that E. Jafarov was involved in courier activities by an Iranian citizen whom he met on social networks, and was supposed to deliver drugs to a predetermined location.

A criminal case has been opened on this fact, the investigation is ongoing.

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