Archive for October 14th, 2024

As a result of the investigation conducted by the Military Prosecutor’s Office in the period up to October 2024, 3 criminal cases were initiated against a number of officials and employees of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription for Military Service, a preliminary investigation is underway, APA reports with reference to a message from the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

It is noted that in order to eliminate the identified violations, representations were given to 5 employees of the structure.

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56 criminal cases have been initiated in Azerbaijan in cases of evasion of military service, APA reports with reference to information from the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

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Police officers continue operations on cases of fraud committed against elderly people and theft of their money, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Two residents of the capital, aged 79 and 66, contacted the police. The women became the latest victims of scammers operating according to a well-established scheme. It turned out that they were called and informed that their relatives had been in an accident. Having succumbed to the deception, the pensioners handed over 8,000 manats and 9,530 euros, respectively, to the perpetrator.

Employees of the 19th department of the Nasimi District Police Department identified and detained a resident of Baku, 20-year-old Yusif Aliyev, involved in criminal activity as a courier.

An investigation is underway into these facts.

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Measures are ongoing to ensure reliable protection of the maritime borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan, strengthen control over compliance with the regime in the Caspian Sea, and combat smuggling and illegal activities.

As reported by with reference to the press center of the State Border Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan, on October 9, as a result of joint actions of the Coast Guard units of the SBS and border ships performing the task of protecting the state border, the smuggling of a large batch of tobacco products into the territory of our country was prevented.

As a result of search activities carried out by border vessels guarding the state border and oil and gas infrastructure in connection with the search for a floating craft that violated the border and navigation regime in the territorial waters of the AR in the Caspian Sea, 85 suspicious packages were found in the sea.

During the corresponding inspection, 111,072 packs of various tobacco products without excise stamps worth about 330,000 manat were found and seized.

Investigative and operational activities are ongoing regarding this fact.

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