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Prevented smuggling of big amount of drugs

15 people suspected of committing illegal acts were detained reports APA with reference to the Ministry National Security’s public affairs department.

As a result of search operations carried out by Azerbaijan’s Ministry of National Security and  the State Customs Committee, the smuggling of a total of 40 kg of drugs from Ukraine and Iran to the country has been prevented.

Nine Azerbaijani and one Ukrainian citizen were detained drug smuggling from Ukraine to the country. A total of more than 24.5 kg of dried marijuana were found and seized.

The State Customs Committee Investigative Department initiated a criminal case over the fact.

The MNS has carried out several search operations against over drug trafficking. As a result, 5 Azerbaijani citizens suspected of smuggling drugs from Iran to Azerbaijan were detained, 15 kg of drugs seized from them.

The MNS Main Investigative Department launched a criminal case over all the facts. Several detainees were put in pretrial detention. 

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