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Prosecutor General’s office about policeman murder

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General’s Office have issued a joint statement on police officer’s being killed and burnt in reports.

As a result of   investigative measures carried out by law enforcement officers another murder was solved in hot pursuit.

As a result of investigations carried out under the criminal case on burned body of unknown man bearing signs of violence, that was found in Turkan settlement of Khazar district on April 18, launched by Khazar District Prosecutor’s Office under article 120.1 (deliberate murder) of the Criminal Code, it was revealed that it was the body of police officer of Imishli District Police Office, Kazimzade Mukhtar Gadir.

The investigations also revealed that Kazimzade was killed in his apartment in Khatai district by Ibayev Ravil Nurush, who worked as a driver in Imishli DPD, for the purpose of seduction. In order to cover up the murder, the latter took the body of Kazimzade to Khazar district and burned it.

On April 18, Ibayev was detained as a suspect and he confessed to killing Kazimzade.

The Investigation Department of Baku Prosecutor’s Office continues necessary investigation on the criminal case to determine whether other persons participated in the offense.


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