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Public statistics of corruption-related crimes recorded in first half of 2015

The Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General reviewed 5,150 appeals and investigated 95 materials of criminal character in the first half of 2015.  31.8% of the damage worth almost 95 mln manat was paid during the investigation reports APA with reference to the

Deputy Prosecutor General – Chief of Anti-Corruption Department under Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev made the remarks on Wednesday during a press conference on the work done to combat corruption in the first half of 2015. The press conference was attended by media and NGO representatives.

Criminal proceedings were launched on the 65 (68%) of those materials, and necessary preventive measures were taken rejecting the launch of criminal proceedings on 30 (32%) materials. In the reporting period, hot line 161 of the Department to Combat Corruption under the Prosecutor General’s Office received 3,414 appeals. Criminal proceedings were launched on 12 appeals. Moreover, as a result of joint measures taken with relevant state bodies, other appeals were solved positively, violated rights of the citizens were restored, and relevant institutions were appealed in order to eliminate violations of the law.

As a result of operational measures successfully taken by operational bodies of the Department on the committed or planned crimes during the reporting period, 10 criminal proceedings were launched on criminals caught red-handed, and 5 criminal proceedings on corruption offenses. During the first half of 2015, investigation of 99 criminal cases against 158 persons was completed by the Department and submitted to relevant courts for consideration. 50 persons faced charges of misappropriation and embezzlement in 33 cases, 41 – fraud in 30 cases, 26 – abuse of power in 13 cases, 8 – using of fake documents in 8 cases, 6 – misappropriation of official authority in 3 cases, 20 – giving bribes in 8 cases, 6 – forgery in 3 cases, and 1 other charges in 1 case.

 The criminal cases submitted to courts caused damage totaling almost 95 million manat. Over 30 million manat or 31.8% of it was paid during investigation; measures were taken for payment of the rest damage by seizing the property of the offenders.


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