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Court verdict

Baku Court of Grave Crimes has completed hearing of the criminal case against a resident of the capital Jamal Akhundova (born in 1975), the accused under Article 120.1 (“Murder”) and 228.4 (“Illegal possession, sale or carrying of bladed weapons”) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, Internet portal reports.

On July 12, 2015 in the 1st Khazar District Police Department received information that from Buzovna had delivered in hospital no. 3 with knife wounds a resident of the capital Rovshan Salimov, whose life the doctors could save.

Upon the Investigations Division of the Khazar Police Department under Article 126.1 (“Deliberate causing of serious harm to health”) of the Criminal Code institute a criminal proceedings on the same day to the police station voluntarily came J. Akhundov and confessed to the crime. Despite the steady state Salimov, two days later he died suddenly, in this regard, the police referred the case to the District Prosecutor’s Office, where Article 126 was reclassified on Article 120.1 (“Murder”) of the Criminal Code.

The investigation revealed that J. Akhundov was engaged in private houses and apartments renovated. In October-December 2014, he has renovated the house of his father R. Salimov living in Buzovna settlement. After repairs are completed Akhundov, counting all costs, Salimov said that his father owed him 3,000 manat.

They decided to meet in the course of the conversation R. Salimov told the master that he had nothing to him. Being angry J. Akhundov said that in any way, sooner or later he would take money from them, and turned to go away. At that time, he heard swearing Salimov in his address, and then, pulled out a knife from jacket, R. Salimov dealt two blows to the chest.

During the trial, J. Akhundov partially pleaded guilty and showed that he had no intent to kill Salimov. The defendant pointed out that during the investigation it was not exerted any pressure, he voluntarily surrendered to the police and told frankly that knife wounded man. The defendant added that repent of their deeds, he said, Salimov had not cursed him, he’d just left.

Interrogated he father of the late victim showed that J. Akhundov killed his son of hooliganism. With regard to the debt the victim said that the defendant lied to him and they do not have to. Father murdered R. Salimov has asked the court to rule against the accused harsh sentence.

The court found the defendant guilty, sentenced J. Akhundov to 15 years imprisonment sentence in a maximum security prison.

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