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Nardaran leader is accused of treason

On January 7, 2016 Azerbaijani law-enforcement agencies detained chairman of Nardaran council of elders Natiq Karimov, informs.

According to the information, criminal case has been initiated against him. N.Karimov is accused under Article 274 of the Criminal Code (high treason, namely action deliberately committed by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan against sovereignty, territorial integrity, state security or defensibility of Azerbaijan Republic: changeover to enemy side, espionage, disclosing state secret to foreign state, help to foreign state, organisation or their representatives in hostile activity against Azerbaijan Republic).

N.Karimov was taken to Sabail District Court. The court will decide on the preventive measure against him.

It should be noted that persons accused under Article 274 of the Criminal Code, if convicted, can be sentenced to imprisonment from ten to fifteen years or to life imprisonment with or without confiscation of property.

Fccording to the press-service of the Prosecutor General’s Office, it  is preparing an official statement concerning the arrest of chairman of Nardaran council of elders Natiq Karimov.

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