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Rasul Jafarov’s cassation appeal to be considered on Feb. 16, 2016

The cassation appeal lodged by the imprisoned chairman of the Human Rights Club Rasul Jafarov against the court decision will be considered on February 16, 2016, APA reports.

The hearing will be presided over by judge Farhad Karimov.

Rasul Jafarov was detained on August 2, 2014. After being interrogated at the Investigation Department on Grave Crimes under the Prosecutor General’s Office, he was jailed for 6.6 years on charges of illegal entrepreneurship, tax evasion and abuse of official powers.   

The Baku Court of Appeals considered the appeal filed against the court decision. The criminal charge under Article 213 (tax evasion) of the Criminal Code was canceled. Thus, his imprisonment was declined to 6.3 years. Later on, a cassation appeal was lodged against the decision asking to cancel the criminal case. 

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