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Dibirov’s Brothers continue to glorify of Azerbaijan

On 17-18 April 2016 in Abu Dhabi was held the World Youth Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2016.

Azerbaijani citizens, brothers Muhammed and Omar Debirovs made again happy their fans.

Among the dozens of participants from Great Britain, France, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, UAE and others countries, Muhammed Dibirov, the last year world champion, earned a silver medal in weight of 51 kg, and his younger brother Omar Dibirov, whose appearance has been accompanied with spectators’ applause, earned a bronze medal in weight of 38.5 kg.

The flag of Azerbaijan, which with proud has been taken by Dibirov’s brothers, has become habitual in the podiums of the World Youth Jiu-Jitsu Championships.

Appearance of Dibirov’s brothers attracted a particular attention of the foreigner specialists.

Go ahead Azerbaijan!

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