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Statistics of the crimes in Baku committed for nine months 2016

Over the nine months of 2016, 9,137 crimes were recorded, according to a report read out on Saturday, 15 October 2016 at the operational consultations held at Baku City Police Department, 101 gangs arrested in Baku this year, APA reports.

Of them, 82.7% were the ones unlikely to pose a public threat or moderately grave and the remaining 17.3% of them were grave and especially grave crimes. Compared to last year, deliberate murders have decreased by 15.8% and deliberate harm to human health by 14%.

78.5 % of the crimes were disclosed.

It was noted that Safe City service discovered 2,692 facts. 214 closed crimes were disclosed by use of security cameras.

235kg illegal drugs were seized in 973 cases. 

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