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Road accidents down in Azerbaijan since early 2016

According to APA, during January-September 2016, the number of road accidents in Azerbaijan decreased by 9.9% while the total number of fatalities dropped by 11.9% compared to the same period of last year, said a report from the State Statistical Committee on Nov. 11, 2016.

A total of 374 people died and 1,453 others were injured in road crashes reported in Azerbaijan since early 2016. Compared to the same period of 2015, the death toll reduced by 15.8% and the number of injured decreased by 11.2%, said the report.

According to the report, most of the road accidents occurred in the territory of settlements (1,302). 44.2% of the accidents occurred in the daytime, 38.5% at night and 17.3 at twilight. 30 road accidents, caused by drunk drivers, left 45 victims, said the report.

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