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Azerbaijani border guards seize drugs

In November 2016, Azerbaijan’s border guards prevented drug smuggling attempt on the border with Iran, seizing more than 7 kg of drugs, the State Border Service told APA on November 14, 2016.

An attempt by an unknown person to violate the Azerbaijani-Iranian state border in the direction of Azerbaijan’s Fuzuli district was prevented. Despite the call to “stop” and a warning shot, the trespasser, taking advantage of darkness and terrain features, was able to flee back. As a result of inspection, four packages of marijuana with a total weight of 4.6 kilograms were found and seized.

During another inspection conducted by Azerbaijan’s border guards in Jalilabad’s border village with Iran, a package of heroin weighing 2.5 kilograms was found and seized.

Operational and investigative actions are underway on both the facts.

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