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Illegal currency dealers detained in Baku

Three illegal currency dealers have been detained in Baku as a result of operations conducted by the Interior Ministry’s Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime.

In an operation conducted by the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime, two persons, identified as Sabuhi Aliyev and Emil Ahmadov, were detained over an attempt to illegally sell 41,630 US dollars and 30,000 euros in exchange for 135,000 manats on black market in Baku’s Sabail district, the ministry told APA on Tuesday, 13 December 2016.

As a result of another operation, Baku resident Kamran Sharifov was detained while attempting to sell 54,585 US dollars for 100,000 manats in the city’s Narimanov district.  During a search of his house, additional 12,600 manats and 7,515 US dollars were found and seized. 

Investigative actions are underway on all the facts.

Azerbaijan’s international affairs bodies continue taking all the necessary measures to prevent illicit currency trafficking in order to ensure efficient operation of financial markets in the country. 

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