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Azerbaijan fights against illegal currency exchange

Azerbaijan’s law-enforcement authorities are taking the necessary measures to combat illegal currency exchange in the country.

In an operation conducted by the Interior Ministry’s Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime, three people, identified as Elnur Akbarov, Farhad Maharramov and Vusal Mikayilov, were detained over an attempt to illegally sell 52,000 US dollars in exchange for 96,200 manats in a café in Baku’s Khatai district, the ministry told APA on 14 December 2016.

Additional 13,920 US dollars were found during the search of the detainees.

As a result of another operation conducted in the city of Sumgayit, four persons — Farmayil Hajiyev, Khagani Albandayev, Azer Mammadov and Isfandiyar Naghiyev – were detained while attempting to illegally sell foreign in a trade center in the city.

Moreover, another Sumgayit resident Ismayil Balayev was also detained over involvement in illegal foreign currency activity.

Protocols were drawn up in respect of the detainees under the Code of Administrative Offences of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan’s law-enforcement authorities will further continue taking all the necessary measures to prevent illicit currency trafficking in order to ensure efficient operation of financial markets in the country. 

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