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Hotel Director arrested due to the death of tourists

Director of the hotel Elhan Hasanov was arrested in the case of the death of two people as a result of an accident in the Green House recreation center, reports with reference to the Azerbaijani Prosecutor General’s Office.

So, on July 7, 2017 in the recreation center Green House in Ismayilli region there was an accident (electric shock in the pool), as a result of which two people were killed, two more injured.

“In connection with this incident, the district prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case under Article 162.2 (violation of safety rules that caused death of people) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. During the investigation, it was found that the hotel director, Elkhan Hasanov, grossly violated his job duties, “the report says.

Based on this, E. Gasanov was charged under Article 314.2 of the Criminal Code, he was subjected to arrest.

“Currently, investigative measures are being continued,” the Prosecutor General’s Office said.

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