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Detained for violating the law on freedom of religion

The Main Department for Public Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, conducted the raids in Yasamal, Nizami districts of Baku, as well as in Ganja, Shirvan, Guba and Terter to stop sale out of specialized shops an authorized religious literature, audio and video materials, and products of religious content, Trend reports with reference to the Interior Ministry.

With respect to ten people, protocols were prepared for unpermitted sale by authorities the religious literature and other products of religious content.

There were confiscated 309 pieces of religious literature and 34 CDs of religious content.

In total, in the first six months of 2017, 138 people were detained and brought to city (district) police stations for violating the requirements of the law “On Freedom of Religion”. There were confiscated 1,066 units of religious literature, 102 CDs and DVDs, 16 audio cassettes, and 94 magazines. On one fact a criminal case was opened.

Seized religious literature was sent for examination to the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations.

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