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Court over an employee of the SOCAR – “relative” of Vice-President

The Baku Court on Grave Crimes chaired by Judge Sh. Mammadov has examined a criminal case of Banovsha Suleymanova, accused in fraud.

According to the indictment, B. Suleymanova worked as a secretary on economic issues of a head of the SOCAR Department on gas importation. Using an official position, she fraudulently appropriated about one hundred thousand manat that belonged to F. Shukurov, A. Khalilova, I. Pashayev and other citizens, whom B. Suleymanova promised to arrange a job in SOCAR.

  1. Suleymanova is charged accusation on Article 178.3.2 (fraud in big amount) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

In course of the session she did not plead guilty, being stated that all money she had handed to E. Pashayev, her former husband E. Pashaeyv, who gave testimonies as a witness, rejected a spouse’s testimonies, and said that he did not take any money of his former wife. According to him, he set up his business without money of the wife. B. Suleymanova said in response that he is lie. He used the money to set up a café. She said that then her husband placed her in psychiatric hospital and used this fact he divorced to her.

The husband advised me to take money using names of high-ranking officials. Only being in hospital, she received information about submitted in respect of her the complaint in prosecutor’s office. She wanted to speak to people who complained to her. Further defendant said that all money she handed to E. Pashayev, who just used me. He reached an agreement to an investigator and as result she was accused.

After that the testimonies were given by witnesses. Witness E. Pashayeva said that B. Suleymanova promised to arrange a job of her husband in SOCAR. For that B. Suleymanova received 25,000 manats but could not arrange the job. It passed two years, and she did not give back the money.

Second witness A. Khalilova said that B. Suleymanova for 10,000 manats promised to restore at work her daughter. They needed to take a credit in bank. It passed a few years but B. Suleymanova did not give back their money. So, she appropriated all money.

The next court session will be on 26 July 2017.

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