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Azerbaijan’s State Security Service exposes int’l cybercrime group

A cybercrime group operating abroad has illegally entered the computer system of a commercial bank of public importance in Azerbaijan, stealing an estimated total amount of 3,700,000 manats by ways of money transferring, making contactless money withdrawals from ATMs, etc., APA reports with reference to the PR department of Azerbaijan’s State Security Service.

Investigations reveal that similar crimes have been committed against others banks based in foreign countries.

On the basis of the collected materials, the State Security Service has initiated a criminal case under Articles 177.3.2 and 273.4 of Azerbaijan’s Criminal Code. As a result of complex investigative and operational measures, members of an international group of cyber criminals were exposed. 

A foreign citizen, Danila Dorin Konstantinovich, who was suspected of criminal acts as a member of the criminal group, was arrested in Barcelona, Spain. Konstantinovich was extradited to Azerbaijan on July 23, 2017 after judicial proceedings for his international arrest. 
The investigative and operational measures are ongoing.

All necessary judicial assistance will be provided to law enforcement agencies of partner countries where similar cyber crimes have been committed against commercial banks. 


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