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The appeal of a mother of the Estonian of political prisoner

 To the President of the Estonian Republic
Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves

To all deputies of Parliament of Estonia, Media,
Embassies, Human Rights organization

innocently convicted Ahliman Zeinalov’s mother – teacher of high school of
Sumgait city with 40 years experience Isaeva Tabiat Saleh кhizi, (Azerbaijan,
Sumgait, Old Jorat, 1st street, h.3)

Open letter.

Mr. President! Gentlemen!

Identifying you with the wise, honest and deeply decent Estonian nation I asked you to perform a constitutional duty and provide legality of examination of criminal matter in respect of my son Ahliman Zeinalov innocently arrested and convicted for refusing to cooperate with a security police (КАPО).
I informed the concrete facts about political murders committed in Estonia, narcotic drug trafficking and weapons at the national level, protection of the transnational organized crime, Nazi criminals and other abuses by high-ranking officials of your state, a victim of shootouts between them were my son and other Russian-speaking residents of Estonia.
At first I did not know that you hate Russian language, Russian people, and citizens of the former Soviet Union that is why writing in Russian.
When I learned I started has written on English and have received the answer that my complaints will be treated and considered and that the matter of my son will be considered in according to laws of Estonia.
I, all our relatives and friends were very happy to answer about possibility of observance in Estonia in legality, arbitrariness of suppressions, and most importantly tortures against my son.
Deeply respecting the nation of Estonia, in difficult days for Azerbaijan sheltering our children and heartily grateful to them for that, we were sure that the nation who have given no offense to Soljenitsin, not fearing the punitive apparatus of the empire, once again showed courage, integrity, objectivity and others their best features, say the weighty word to protect watered with their blood of democracy and legality.
We had hoped that at last someone will reply to our complaints about numerous rough violations of procedural law: counterfeiting and concealing of documents for the fabricate of a charge, non-admission of an interpreter and defender, ongoing tortures, insult and intimidation, discrimination on the basis of a nationality, language and religion, an prohibition for audio records in court process and etc.
We are naive people we were hoped for justice and legality, promises of statesmen, their honesty and integrity. However we make a mistake identify you with the Estonian nation. You are not representative of nation and parasites.
You have impudence deceived us.
Our complaints have been used for party shootout, blackmail objectionable, for all ugly, but not for justice and legality. Tortures of Ahliman Zeinalov have not stopped, and intensified, have moved on members of his family. The cassation of my son without any explaining reason has been not examined, as threatening us КАPО.
Why should I after this write to you? I taught children 40 years in order with the similar not associate, but I write and write…

I write to let everyone know who is who in Estonia, and whom and what there is necessary to be afraid.

I write to let know: while I am alive, still alive my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, my relatives and friends, their children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren, great-grandchildren of our great- grandchildren we will achieve justice on matter of Ahliman Zeinalov because we know that he is innocent.
I write to express my sympathy to the Estonian people whose destiny is given on a mercy of secret agents and to agents of influence. Stated that every nation deserves their leader but in my opinion, the Estonian people have not deserved specialists on psychology for which the question of ideology of killing does not matter.
Gentlemen! In conclusion I wish your children and grandchildren the same destiny, the same that my son experienced Ahliman Zeinalov and other political prisoners in Estonia. I will pray for it and let God hear the prayers of mothers whose children were victims of fascist regimes.

Isaeva Tabiat


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